High Availability & Disaster Recovery

Business continuity

Business continuity is a critical aspect in today’s business. An organization has to run 24/7 under any circumstances, whether it is a power outage, or a physical disaster. Downtime translates to lost revenue, so it is imperative that a business continuity plan is in place for the most critical applications. In general, limitations of the past, like expensive hardware or slow internet connections have been lifted. In addition, cloud has provided a wide range of solutions, even for on-premises applications.

Microsoft Services

Whether on premises, cloud or hybrid, Microsoft offers a wide range of solutions for High Availability and Disaster Recovery, in order to cover for the most demanding SLAs. Such solutions include Replication, Database Mirroring, Always On Failover Cluster Instances and Always On availability groups for SQL Server, Active geo-replication, Auto-failover groups and many built-in features for Azure databases. These solutions enable an organization to continue functioning in a matter of seconds in case of an incident.


In Office Line, we can walk you through all available options for your infrastructure, identifying the best possible solution that meets your availability target and your budget. We can support you from simply configuring your backup policy to achieving the highest possible availability for your databases, following the best practices and recommendations from Microsoft.

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