Data Infrastructure Installation & Configuration

Starting Off

When installing new software, or deploying new services, starting off on the right foot is important, in order to avoid finding yourself in situations where you need to troubleshoot and analyze your infrastructure to get more out of it.

You need to make the right choices from the beginning, size your environment accurately, enable the appropriate features, make the optimal setup options following the best practices, in order to minimize the chances of disruptions later and the need for re-configuration / re-engineering.

Skilled Team

Our team has a deep knowledge of Microsoft’s products and services, and has a long history in designing data solutions. We can install and configure all the software components and services required for your data solution, following the recommendations from the manufacturer, but also applying practices developed during our long-year experience in the field. We can make sure you get the best performance out of your setup and, thus, avoid any over-scaling and costs related to it.

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